Jonah started eating solids about a month ago. He slowly has progressed fromrice cereal to several different types of fruits and veggies. Some are more welcomed than others:) I've enjoyed making the food myself. Every minute of the process has been fun-from picking the fresh/local produce, to steaming, baking, pureeing, and storing! I not only have found great comfort in knowing exactly what is being put in that little growing body of his, but have realized it is significantly cheaper to do it on my own. A great online resource I have used can be found here-it lists what is appropriate to feed your little one at each stage, recipes, and tips in preparing homemade baby food. I look forward to the many more foods, tastes, and textures he will soon begin to discover.
One of the main reasons I haven't kept up to date on my postings is that most of my time has been devoted to the re-launch of my Arbonne business! For those of you who aren't aware, I started Arbonne back in 2007 and built a district in as little as 6 months. At that time, I was still working 40 hours a week. To say it straight, "life happened" and it amounted to the fact that I didn't have the time I wanted to devote solely to my business. I stepped down in 2008 but still continued to provide Arbonne with my loyal clients. Now, being a stay at home mom, I have more time to devote to my business and am overly excited!
Truthfully, this decision to re-launch hasn't been easy. I have really struggled with the desire to contribute financially to my family. Patrick and I are stable enough for me to stay home, but personally I want to make a difference. I loved being in activity, sharing Arbonne with others. I want to have a place and share that difference with others. I prayed about it and know that God has given me the "go-ahead". So-with two feet in, I plan to have my re-launch party in October! I've been reviewing, learning, and actively speaking to those around me what Arbonne is all about! If you haven't heard, or I haven't told you already, I'd love to share that difference Arbonne's products have with you.
Well, it's been a while since I have posted anything new, so I thought I'd catch all of you up on what has been happening in the Hancock household! Patrick has been training in Altus, OK for the majority of the summer. He's been at Aircraft Commander Airdrop and Instructor Pilot school. Needless to say, it's been hard without him here. Jonah and I stay busy though and have kept ourselves very occupied as we eagerly wait for Dad to come home! We've made several trips down to Oregon to spend time with family, spent time with friends, and have precious moments together. Jonah has grown up so much this summer already. He has ventured into the wondrous world of "solids" and enjoys trying new foods. He has mastered holding his head up, enjoys rolling over, and is extremely vocal! Here are a few snapshots I've taken this summer.