Ellie Grace Hancock
July 21, 2013
7.9 oz, 18.5 inches long |
Let me start off by saying that Ellie’s birth story, in my
mind, mimicked those seen in movies. The
frantic rush to the hospital, the experience of my water breaking, the fear
that we weren't going to make it—it was all there, and looking back, it was perfect
J Having been induced
with Jonah, I didn't have the experience of laboring and having my water break
on its own. Knowing that this was my
last pregnancy, I wanted to experience it all (well..not
all..I did want an epidural and thankfully received one. Barely, I might add, but no complaints on
this end).
As my due date approached, like any pregnant woman, it got
significantly uncomfortable. On the
night of the 20th, Patrick and I decided to watch a movie in bed to
ease any levels of un-comfort on my end.
I recognized that baby Ellie was moving differently, and actually stated
to Patrick that, “something weird” was going on in there. I fell asleep shortly after midnight and woke
up to a contraction around 1:45am. I had a couple contractions 8 minutes apart,
but really didn't think much of it, as I had experienced some false labor a few
weeks back that started out similar.
Within minutes the contractions became 4 minutes apart. I told Patrick I thought we needed to go to
the hospital. I called our neighbor to
come and stay with Jonah and by the time we were in the car, the contractions
became much stronger and 2 minutes apart.
Looking back on the car ride to the hospital, I laugh. Patrick and I both experienced fear,
excitement, a bit of laughter, and pain all in one. I remember mentioning to Patrick that I
thought my water was going to break in his car.
His foot hit the pedal so hard, we found ourselves going 65 mph down
Meridian. (speed limit I believe is 40 mph).
When I got to the hospital, Patrick wheeled me into the
emergency entrance and I was taken to a triage room where they checked my
cervix and vitals. That prior Monday,
the doctor had indicated I was 3cm dilated and 75% effaced. Considering the stats, I figured I had
progressed a little since then. The
nurse told us I was at a good 6cm and that we were going to have a baby! It was
really happening! She wheeled me down to the delivery room. I remember throwing up a few times, nurses
asking if I had wanted an epidural and an overall rush to get me to where I
needed to be to deliver. I don’t believe
I would have had the opportunity to receive an epidural had the
anesthesiologist not been in the next room at the time of my room transfer.
Within 10 minutes after I received my epidural, my water broke and I was
completely dilated.
I have to state that the faculty and facility itself at Good
Samaritan are amazing. Both of the times I have delivered there have been
wonderful. Reminiscing and reviewing all
the little details here and there about Ellie’s birth, there are a few comical
moments to mention about the staff that helped me deliver. There may have been
an overly sweaty (now I mean
OVERLY..overly being ‘drenched in her scrubs, dripping on my gown’ ) nurse helping me who couldn't quite figure
out her bearings. Whether it be hooking
up the IV machine, inputting correct stats into the computer, or her ability to
make some decent coffee for sleep deprived fathers, it all makes for a few good
laughs. The unstated but laughable
non-communication between her and the anesthesiologist, and post-delivery
nurses all made our experience that much more ‘story-worthy’.
Once complete, I labored for about an hour, letting her progress naturally down into the birth canal. I started pushing at 5am, after around 6 pushes, she arrived at 5:35am. Ellie Grace Hancock was born at 7.9 ounces, 18.5 inches long. From the time we left our home to the time she was born, it was less than 3.5 hours. Ellie’s birth was such a different experience than Jonah’s, but both equally rewarding. She is such a blessing to our family, and makes our family complete in so many ways.
Our family |
Jonah meeting his sister |
Jonah sharing his blanket with Ellie |
sweet sibling kisses |
all ready to go home! |